Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Events for when I’m not broke

Okay, I know I’ve been MIA. I’m so sorry.

BUT, it’s reading rush!!! I’ve been ~ahem~ rushing through some great books already and am trying to keep up the momentum so I actually can post a successful blog brag about completing all of the challenges (a girl can dream, right?).

However, I will always have time to talk about all of the events I’m way too broke to attend! As per usual, Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. And so, in a dream world, here are the Top Ten book events/festivals I’d love to go to one day (warning: we might not actually hit 10!)

BookCon: Ugh, does this one surprise anyone? I’m just dying to go to BookCon one day!! It seems like such a magical place – books, and readers, everywhere!! I can’t imagine anything more fun than spending a weekend in NYC and doing nothing but talk about books. Maybe one day I’ll finally get in with a press pass (shoutout, PR degree) and make my dreams come true.

2. YALLFest: Aw, someone take me to YALLFest. It just looks like so much fun! I like that it’s a little more down-to-earth than BookCon, and seems just that much more manageable. And Charleston?? Yes, please!

3. Printers Row Lit Fest: Sweet home, Chicago! I actually didn’t know about this one until just a few minutes ago while researching festivals (shhh, don’t tell that I’m cheating!). But it’s nearby and it’s full of people talking about books! It looks a little literary for my tastes, but hey, sometimes that’s not a bad thing!

4. YALC: I am so so in love with London, so any excuse to get back there I will absolutely take! I first thought this was only a Comic Con, but it seems to be a YA Lit fest as well?? Unclear, but I still want to go.

5. LA Times Festival of Books: Festival of Books?? Heaven! I think this one looks really neat – first, it’s in LA, and second, it’s advertised as “rows upon rows of bookish stalls”….hello? I’m on my way.

Alright, I’m gonna call it at 5 because there’s no others that come to mind right away. It would be an absolute dream to attend any of these, I hope I one day get the chance!

What about you? What are your top book festivals to one day attend?

Thanks guys!! xx

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