Fun Stuff!

Reading Rush TBR!! (I hope!)

Well ladies, gents & non-binary folk, here we go.

I’ve never actually participated in a reading rush, but this year is finally. my. year! I don’t start work for another few weeks, and thus have a full week to just read as much as I possibly can.

I was born in the (best) month of March, so my birthstone is Aquamarine. I guess this is kinda neat? Anyways, for this one I picked The Kiss Quotient, by Helena Hoang. I found this at Half Price Books for *ahem* $7.99, and I had to get it! I think it looks super cute and can’t wait to dive in. I hope it’ll be one of the ones that I just speed through!

This one is gonna have to go to The Black Flamingo, because it just came in at my library and ALSO because I’ve been hearing nothing but great things about it! I’m hoping this one will be one that I go through pretty quickly, since it’s written in verse.

I came so close to choosing Little Women for this one! But alas, it’s just too long. I’m going to switch this one up and actually not watch the movie beforehand, because I think it’ll deter me from wanting to read the book (I know, I’m the worst! I hate reading a book after I’ve already seen a movie – it seems so redundant!) I’ve been wanting to read Howl’s Moving Castle for so long, so I’m going to read it for this challenge and then reward myself with the movie after.

This one was tricky and I’m still ambivilant (not about the book, just about the timing of reading!). I threw all my books out on my bed and had my boyfriend pick a random one, and this is which one he chose! I’m not disappointed, but ugh I really want to read Serpent & Dove soon so I hope that happens before the month ends!! Looking forward to this one, though (:

Fence!! I read the first volume a few weeks ago and thought it was super cute, so what better way to guarantee reading rush success than by reading this one?? It’s also a graphic novel, so I shouldn’t have too much of a problem reading it outside my house (though it’s been sweltering hot here these past few days, yikes!).

My boyfriend suggested this one to me when we were at the library a few days ago, so I’m going to give it a try! I’ve been wanting to read more memoir and biographies that center on minority experiences, so I think this one will be a great choice. It’s also a graphic novel, so hopefully it won’t take me too long!

I’m waffling between Boyfriend Material and Loveless for this one, but I think I’m going to (tentatively) commit to Loveless since I just got it in the mail AND it’s on my July TBR. This will be the first full length novel I’ve read by Alice Oseman (not including Heartstopper!) and I really am hoping to love it.

So those are my plans for the week!! I really am hoping to get everything read and complete all of the challenges, though it’s not the absolute end of the world if I don’t. Fingers crossed, though!

Are you participating in the reading rush this year? If so, what are you reading for each challenge? Is anyone reading the same/similar books as me?

Thanks guys, and happy reading!! (:

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