Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday // But Actually Wednesday

Hi guys, gals and non-binary pals,

I am so sorry that I’ve been so boring lately! I’m realizing that I’ve written, like, no book reviews recently, and last time I checked, this is a book blog. I apologize! I’m currently finishing up Unravel the Dusk and then I’m going to post a review/reflection on the duology, so hang tight and hopefully I’ll have that up soon!

Anyways, I’m jumping onto the Top Ten Tuesday train late this week, because, well, I’m lazy and forgot to post yesterday.

(Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl , and this week is a freebie week!)

For this freebie week, I’m bouncing off some other ideas I’ve seen floating around and doing the Top Ten books/series I want to reread!

1. The Summoning

You know that iconic series that got you into reading? It’ll always be close to your heart, no matter how trashy and/or outdated it is, because it introduced you to a whole new world of books and readers. Well, that was this for me. I adored this trilogy when I was a young teenager, and I’d love to reread it as an adult and see if it still holds that otherworldly magic.

2. The Folk of the Air Trilogy

Ughhhhhhh please, reading gods, spare me the drama and emotional toll of rereading this book. Read it two years ago and didn’t pick up the sequels when they came out, but now I want to. I’m scared.

3. The Winner's Curse Trilogy

Did I read this years ago? Yes. Do I remember anything other than an extremely angsty and slow-burn romance? No. Did this book wreck me, even though I can’t remember the emotional damage it did? Yes. Should I read it again? Probably not. Will I? TBD.

4. ACOTAR Trilogy

Point blank: I want to use the excuse of the Nesta book coming out in January to reread this series, sorry not sorry!

5. The Hating Game

Miss me with that cutes-y romance sh**!! Just kidding, give it to me now. It’s been years since I reread this classic romance ICON and I need to reread if only to refresh my memory that paintball can, in fact, be romantic.

6. The Wrath & The Dawn Duology

Again, I don’t remember much from this other than that I really enjoyed it. Does that mean that I didn’t *actually* enjoy it, since I don’t really remember it? I dunno. But I’d like to reread, to find out.

7. Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

Aww, it’s been awhile since I read this book and with all of the new Simon-verse content coming out, I’d love to reread and fall back in love with this story! I also watch a lot of Kevin’s videos, and he’s inspired me.

8. Fangirl

I understand Ms. Rowell has come under fire recently for her portrayal and treatment of certain PoC characters in Eleanor & Park, which I have thankfully never read. However, I do remember reading this one when I was much younger and enjoying it, and I have a copy on my bookshelves already, so I’d like to reread if I ever find the time and desire.

9. Lunar Chronicles

Oh, I adore these books. I bought Cinder & The Summoning at the same time, so I guess you could credit both to introducing me to the reading hobby I now possess. The thing is, if I read this, I have to read all four, and wow will that take up a lot of time. One day, though, one day.

10. You Deserve Each Other

It’s only been, like, two months since I’ve read this, and I already want to reread. Does that tell you how much I loved it? Sadly, I lent it out to a friend to share the love, so a reread of this gem will have to wait.

Well, there we go folks! A very belated, random Top Ten Tuesday. I’m planning to write a post all about my feelings on rereading books, because sometimes I have trouble justifying a reread when there’s so many unread books on my shelves!

But, that’s a discussion for another time.

Are any of these on your reread list? What’s the one book you want to reread the most?

Thanks, guys! xx


  • richa @unshelvedly

    THE FOLK OF THE AIR. the second books is the best so you HAVE to pick up the sequels. the drama and emotional toll is worth it :’DDD. i haven’t read a lot of the books on your reread list but i will be adding some to my tbr heheh. i do remember loving FANGIRL the first time i read it at like… thirteen but after rereading it a fews later it didn’t hold up for me, personally 🙁 I’ve heard so much about the the LUNAR CHRONICLES so i feel like i have to read it now hah. and YOU DESERVE EACH OTHER!!!! so good!!!!!!! 10/10 agree with rereading that. really liked this post ♥

    • erin

      I just ordered it, it’s coming in the mail tomorrow!! (: I wouldn’t be surprised if Fangirl didn’t hold up, I remember some parts of the plot being kinda meeeehh for me so I’m curious to see if anythings changed!! Oh totally read the Lunar Chronicles, 10/10 recommend!!! thank you 🥰

  • Ali

    I’ve never read any of the ACOTAR and Folk of the Air books but I am so tempted…and yet I feel also SO unprepared. I only read the Lunar Chronicles a few years ago but I LOVED them. I definitely want to reread them.
    The book I want to reread the most is probably Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal. It’s basically a Pakistani retelling of Pride & Prejudice. I just remember having a great time reading it and I want to try to capture that magic again.

    • erin

      Aww you def should!! We can read the Folk of the Air books at the same time and suffer together haha! Unmarriageable sounds SO cute, I just looked it up on goodreads!! I’ll have to pick it up soon (: Hope you get to reread soon!! ❤️

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