Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday // Books that should be movies

Hey ya’ll!!

I can’t even wrap my head around the fact that we’re in the last half of August. Can we just take a moment of silence for that? I mean, I don’t have anything against September, but wow did this summer just absolutely fly by.

Anyways, I started work this week and as predicted, have not had a ton of time to read. Therefore, I figured I’d jump back on the Top Ten Tuesday tradition, especially because this week’s prompt is so much fun!!

(Top Ten Tuesday is hosted over at That Artsy Reader Girl and is a weekly meme occurring, you guessed it, every Tuesday!)

This weeks prompt is: books that should be adapted into Netflix shows/movies!

Some disclaimers:

  • I’m going to probably include some books that I haven’t read, but from the synopsis I think would make awesome adaptations!
  • I have no idea why Netflix doesn’t capitalize on book bloggers more – look at all the content ideas we’re giving them!! 

Fence: Fence would be an awesome TV show. Boarding school? Check. Fencing? Check. Angsty roommate love story? Ohhhh yes. I just think that this one would be a really fun adaptation and also just intriguing because, like, who knows anything about fencing other than..fencers? I’d so be on board with a Fence TV show.

Tweet Cute: For full transparency’s sake, I haven’t actually read this yet. BUT I think it’d fit well in line with Netflix’s whole rom-commy teen movie saga. I mean, just look how much hype To All the Boys got?? I could def see them taking this one and banking on it getting the same hype, and honestly, I’d be all for it.

Cinder: I’ve seen lots of people talk about how cool this would be on screen. Can you imagine the setting of these books being brought to life? Ugh, I would be trash for this. It would probably have to be a movie because I just don’t know if it would transfer well to TV with how intricate the world-building is, but maybe? A 4-season TV show with each season featuring a different female character? I dunno, but I hope one day I find out! 

Bloom: This graphic novel is just the purest, sweetest thing and I adored every single second of reading it. I think it’d make an awesome Netflix movie and would break so many hearts while also curing so many souls. An angsty wannabe-rockstar and a sensitive baker love story? Please, Netflix. 

You Should See Me in a Crown: Another one that I haven’t actually read but have heard so many awesome things about. Two girls vying for prom queen who end up falling in love…like that’s peak rom-com and perfect Netflix material.

A Song of Wraiths and Ruin: Can you imagine the freaking beauty this would be on screen?? The West-African folklore and mythology would translate to probably the most amazing scenery in the history of screen productions. Also, that cliffhanger at the end? We’ve already got two whole movies worth of content, people!! 

The Poppy War: Another one where I think the scenery and ambiance of the world would just be really cool, even if super dark. It probably wouldn’t go on Netflix because it deals with some darker themes (from what I’ve heard, still on the TBR) but I’m thinking an HBO TV series?? 

American Royals: I love this book wow. It’s literally the perfect setup for a TV series – it follows four different girls who are all navigating different aspects of having to live in the public eye. Sadly, I don’t think this one will get adapted since we’re already getting an adaptation of The Selection and we’ve also had the (tragically now cancelled) wonderful TV show Royals on E!. Still, I’d binge this whole thing if it were to be brought to life on screen.

Wicked Fox: This would probs be a movie just because it moves so fast, and I’d be hooked every minute. Seeing Seoul in this light and hearing about the ancient mythology and traditions that surround our main characters would be hella cool. I’d love this as a movie or a TV series!

The Unhoneymooners: And last but definitely not least, this would be such a fun thing to see as a movie. If cast right, the wicked banter and ~spicy~ back-and-forth angst would come to life on screen and you just wouldn’t be able to not watch. I don’t know if I want Netflix to get it’s hands on this one, but as long as it’s not Hallmark, I’ll take anything. 

So my dear Tuesday friends, that’s all I have for ya on this one! Really, I feel almost cheated that Netflix has begun to capitalize on the book world by starting to make so many adaptations, but I also get to see so many of my favorites come to life (sometimes in a bad way, sadly). There are definitely some books that I think are better left as just that, books. BUT, if Netflix or anyone else wants to take a swing at any of the above, I will loyally be one of the first to jump on board. 

Do you agree with my choices? Any books that you’d just LOVE to see on screen?


Thanks guys, and have a great rest of you week! xx


  • April Lee

    I would absolutely LOVE a Tweet Cute and You Should See Me in a Crown Netflix adaptation. They would make the most adorable rom-coms ahh!! I had never thought about it before, but now I need it 😅

  • Intisar

    I’m going to read The Unhooneymooners soon and now I’m more excited to get my hands on it. And you’re right ASOWAR would make a great adaptation

  • Yolanda

    Tweet Cute would be fun because it has all this foodie stuff, desserts and deli food concoctions – just thinking about it makes me hungry haha. I love all your choices – I’m finishing up two of the books soon You Should See Me in a Crown and A Song of Wraiths and Ruins.

    • erin

      Aw I hope you liked both of them! (: I bet Tweet Cute would be adorable (and probably make me really, really hungry, haha!)

  • Linda @flourishreader

    I also included Cinder – the Lunar Chronicles – on my list because I totally agree with you! I feel like it would be a really cool 4-season long tv show. I hope that one they we can see it on screen.

    • erin

      RIGHT like that gorgeous world-building?! I’m so for it. I hope someone finally capitalizes on the potential and turns it into a TV show!! ♥

  • Ali

    I really need to read Fence already, I’ve heard so many good things about it. Also forever holding onto the hope of a Lunar Chronicles series or movie! It would be SO perfect 😢

    • erin

      Totally agree! I always worry that they’d take the magic out of the adaptations, but I guess we always have the books if the movies go sideways! ♥

  • Ruby Rae Reads

    Omg I LOVE this list so much! I am YES so with you on Tweet Cute, as I adore that book, but also think it’d make an amazing movie and the world is lacking in GOOD teen movies tbh. Ya def need to read it. I,,, haven’t to any of the others yet, but am so keen on You Should See Me In A Crown, Bloom, Fence, American Royals and The Poppy War. Also still need to start The Lunar Chronicles series. LOVED reading this post Rin xoxo

    • erin

      Aw ty!! I feel like since starting my blog I’ve realized how little books I’ve actually read so I have to use the same few for literally every post….whoops! Oh please read the Lunar Chronicles and then post a review because I need to see what you think about it!!! I want to re-buy the series with all those new gorgeous illustrated covers but ugh, money. Thanks for reading love!! ♥

  • Sina

    Ahh I love Netflix rom-coms so “Tweet Cute” would definitely be great! I`d also love seeing “Loveless” by Alice Oseman adapted into a movie, I think some of the scenes would look amazing in a film.

    • erin

      Aww yes! I have it on my TBR but haven’t read it yet, but I believe it’d be a great movie!! Hopefully one day (:

  • Joss @theonewhoreadit

    All of these would be fantastic adaptations! So many of these are on my TBR too (The Poppy War, A Song of Wraiths and Ruin, You Should See Me in a Crown) but from what I’ve heard, they’d be perfect in movie/TV show format!

  • Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books

    Oh my god I love this list SO much. I have read Tweet Cute and can confirm it would make the cutest rom-com ahah I’d love it. And ahhhhhhh Bloom! That would be something I’d watch in a second, it would give me all the feels. And completely agree with American Royals as a TV show, that’d be SO! GOOD!

    • erin

      I just had it but had to return it to the library ugh!! Need to read Tweet Cute ASAP. Ikr, give us alllll the royalty!! (:

  • aina

    I NEED TO READ BLOOM!! I’ve had it on my TBR since forever 😂 Anyway I agree with you about how Netflix should pay attention to book bloggers already for ideas like this. I’ve read a number of posts like this and I agree with them every time. All these books (even if I haven’t read them) are worth it for adaptation.

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