Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I ~Stan~

Hi there! Happy Tuesday. This week has felt super off, I think because of the holiday weekend (4th of July, for my friends not living in the States). Regardless, I’ve been able to keep my reading game strong!

This Tuesday, I’m hopping on board the Top Ten Tuesday trend, which was created by The Broke and the Bookish and continued by The Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is the top ten authors by which I have read the most books! I honestly am not super sure on exact numbers, but I’m going to go with my gut reactions here, so bear with me.

  1. Cassandra Clare: Yes, Miss Cassie godamn Clare takes up two whole shelves of my already cramped bookshelves, and I don’t regret a second of it.
  2. Sarah J. Maas: Okay, she only takes up one, which isn’t as bad. But I have loyally read every one of her books like the trash that I am, and don’t see that changing anytime soon!
  3. Leigh Bardugo: Okay, okay, you caught me, I didn’t finish Ninth House. But I will! One day. Otherwise, Bardugo comes in at a hot #3.
  4. *We don’t speak her name in this house, but she wrote the beloved Harry Potter books.*
  5. Christina Lauren: I feel like she’s (or is the duo technically considered a they…?) gone downhill lately, so I haven’t read all of her most recent books. But I guess I don’t read a ton of the same authors, so she still makes it at almost the top half of the list.
  6. Kelley Armstrong: The Darkest Powers is a childhood favorite series! The one that introduced me to paranormal YA and got me into reading, really. Need to do a reread sometime this summer!
  7. Marissa Meyer: I’m really only counting the Lunar Chronicles on here because I’ve only read the first of the Renegade books. AND, Heartless was trash (or at least insanely forgettable, but really, what’s the difference?).
  8. Rick Riordan: Could probably tie with good ole’ Marissa Meyer up there, since I’ve read 5 books by each of them. I have the Magnus Chase series sitting on my shelf, but ugh, do I really want to try a middle grade?? Who am I kidding, I’ll probably love it.
  9. V.E. Schwab: I’m starting to panic as I realize that I don’t consistently read the same authors over and over again. I’ve read the entire Shades of Magic trilogy, but have not yet read Vicious or Vengeful. Does it count if I want to, though?
  10. *Cue me intensely staring at my bookshelves, willing #10 to jump out of me in an “oh, damn, right!” moment. It doesn’t happen.*

Well, there we have it folks. Moral of the story: I need to read more.

Just kidding, but wow I really don’t read much by the same authors other than the typical hyped YA stuff. I guess this is a good thing? I get more diversity on my shelves and am able to give other authors a try. Though it would be kinda cool to be a die-hard *insert author here* fan, just to be able to say I’m ~loyal~.

What about you? Does any of your list match with mine? Which author should I give a try to content with my blank #10 spot?

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