Fun Stuff!

Bookish This Or That: Which Would You Choose?

Hello!! Me again. (:

I have a few reviews in the works, but I’m visiting a family member in Indiana this weekend and am not in the headspace to write reviews. In place, I’ve decided to do the Bookish This or That!

I found this on We Write At Dawn’s blog, and thought it was such a fun idea. Soooo, I decided to do it myself!

I’m gonna take you through a few bookish this or thats and my personal opinions on them. If you’re at all interested in doing this, totally do!

I’m gonna have to go with physical books on this one, though I have been super into audibooks lately! Honestly, I never thought I’d jump onto the audiobook bandwagon, but I find that when I read them in tandem with my physical books, I read SO much faster! I like to listen to them while on my morning walks (to Starbucks, I’m not THAT healthy) and while I do household things. Though nothing will ever beat the feel of a good old fashioned book in my hand!

Oof, I dunno! I think, looking at my bookshelves, I’ll have to say hardcover. There’s just something about cracking open the spine of a good hardcover book, ya know! Though I won’t turn away a floppy paperback, and will often buy them instead because hardcovers are just so dang expensive.

Fiction fiction fiction. I’ve been trying to read more non-fiction, especially in regards to the BLM and the history of oppression of marginalized groups in America. As enlightening as these have been, I will always reach for a fictional book before a non-fiction.

Harry Potter, all the way. I think it’s much more timeless than Twilight?? I tried to reread Twilight a few months ago, but was definitely not as into it as the time I first read it at 13 (who’s surprised!). The instalove, the flatness of the characters, the weird vampire incest, it’s just all a little too much for me now. Harry Potter, on the other hand, will always be a timeless, magical story, even if the author is actually the worst.

This one’s tricky. I don’t have any local bookshops within a 20 mile radius from my house, so when I’m in need of a book and want to browse, I usually find myself at Barnes and Noble (not that that’s a bad thing – I love the vibe!). As much as I hate to support Amazon, sometimes I just can’t justify buying something from Barnes and Noble if I can get it online for 2x less. So I guess it depends on the book and on my mood? There’s nothing quite like spending a few hours browsing the bookstore, though. (:

Trilogy, always! I love books that are stretched out over a few books (unless they haven’t been released yet…lookin’ at you, Cassie Clare!). I think they give so much more room for character growth and worldbuilding and overall lend to a better story. However, I don’t mind a good standalone! I think I find that I like contemporary standalones, and fantasy series/trilogies.

Again, totally depends. Is there a happy medium? My mood will affect how and what I read, so if I’m in a light and fluffy mood I want something short, but if I’m craving a well-developed story to get lost in, I’m more likely to pick up a heavy book. Right now, I’m in a fantasy mood (finally!), so I’m leaning towards the long & heavy books on my shelves.

…Is this even debatable? Coffee, always! Though on a cold, cozy winter night, hot chocolate is always a good idea. I think I’d prefer tea, though – call me British! 😉

If you enjoyed this post, feel free to post with your own answers! Thanks again to We Write at Dawn for coming up with such fun question ideas!

Do you disagree with anything I’ve chosen? Tell me: hardcover or paperback?

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