Fun Stuff!

The Seasons Ranked by Level of Reading Coziness

Yes, ya girl is still here.

I’ve been kinda slacking off recently…in all honesty, I’ve been reading! I’ve read a ton this month, and I think it’s kind of resulted in me falling into a tiiiiiny bit of a reading slump. I’m also somewhat forcing myself to read a book for an upcoming blog tour, and it’s just not hitting the same.

Anyways, I’m in the coziest mood this fall and am really just out here vibing with my tall socks and oversized sweatshirts. If I had more money, I’d probably be at Bath & Body Works buying a new fall-scented candle every day, and if I worked out more, I’d be making pumpkin bread on the daily.

But anyways, I’ve been feeling pretty creative today, so I thought I’d channel all that energy into a fun lil’ discussion-y, listacle-type post. The topic of said post: me ranking all four seasons based on how ideal they are to read in (rating scale being coziness, or just personal preference).

I’m to work my way from worst to best, so put in your predictions now (though I bet I can guess what you’ll say!).

(Also, disclaimer: I live in the Midwest, where we get every single season in both it’s calmest AND it’s wildest, probably within the span of a week. So, I do consider myself an expert on this subject, though I would like to hear from others who live in different climates what they think on this topic!!).

Don’t get me wrong, I love summer. As I get older, the more I begin to realize how NOT cut out I am for Midwestern winters. There is a magic in being able to sit outside as the sun sets and read, or open a window and feel the breeze of a nice summer day while you get lost in a book.

HOWEVER, there’s also those times when you’re sweating so much that the cover of your paperback, or a bug lands on your head while you’re trying to lounge on the back porch with a book. Also, have you ever tried reading a book outside while the sun shines down on you? Goodbye, eyesight!

Okay, spring almost outranked fall. ALMOST. I love the rainy days of Spring, when you can cuddle up inside as the world grows back in front of your eyes. Also, both cold and warm beverages are acceptable choices during this season, so you can really tailor your reading drink to whatever suits your mood. Also, spring is the time when SO many new releases come out, and it seems like every other day you’re makin’ a trip to Barnes & Noble to buy a new release. Am I complaining? Heck no!

HOWEVER sometimes as the sun starts to come out and the weather warms up, I feel guilty for sitting inside reading a book. Also, transporting a book in the rain is a dangerous game.

We are SHOCKED. Fall as #2?!

Fall is coziness personified. It’s that time when you break out the sweaters and the extra blankets, where you burn your tongue one too many times on a hot drink, and where you come just to the brink of suffocation with all your Bath & Body Works candles. Who wouldn’t want to sit inside and read all day?

Also, all types of books are acceptable for this season. Just last week I finished In a Holidaze and then considered picking up Beach Read right after. Like, what other time of year could I go from snowy cabin in the woods to beach-house on the coast?

Not only this, but dark academia is in peak style during the fall. I mean, I don’t really read any dark academia books, but I like the aesthetic nontheless.

I am TRASH for winter. Oh my goodness, do I love curling up in front of the fire with a book and a blanket. I thrive. I truly, truly do.

Here in good ole’ Illinois, winter usually just means slush and cold. It’s not picturesque, but it’s cozy enough. It also gets dark at like, 4:30 PM, and I have every excuse to not leave my house. Go to the gym at 6 PM? Uhhh…that’s practically the middle of the night, no thanks.

I also just have a lot of fond memories of winter, like exploring London bookshops for the first time, and seeing Sarah J. Maas at my local bookstore in the dead of winter, and staring out the window at the beautiful Scandinavian countryside with a book clutched in my hands. I feel like all of my most memorable reading experiences have taken place when I feel the most comfortable and cozy, and that’s during the winter.

So, my dearests, what do you think? What’s your favorite season to read in, and why?

Thanks so much for following along this misc. post, I was just feeling ~interactive~ and wanted to post a fun lil’ discussion post. I’m genuinely curious to hear your thoughts!


  • Mehsi

    I really liked this post! It is fun! For me I would rank it the following: Spring (because of allergies that run rampant then, plus what you state you just cannot sit inside when the weather is so fine), Summer (because I got 3 weeks of vacation, but the flipside is that it is just can get too hot too read at times, also bugs..), Winter and Fall are a tie for me. I just love both seasons and love how I can just curl up in a blanket, drink something hot, and read. Fall = Halloween (though sadly it is not celebrated it here as a holiday but I decorate and party) Winter = Christmas. Two great things. Two of my favourite holidays.

    • erin

      Aw thank you! β™₯ Oh yeah, fall and winter are peak holiday season and there’s just nothing like reading with the joy of celebrating a holiday!(: Allergies ugh I didn’t even think about those but you’re so right! Definitely solidifies my ranking!!

  • Bernadette

    So true about the Midwest XD (I’m in OH). Yesterday it was like 48 and today it’s 66. Living in the Midwest it just never knowing what season to dress for.

    I LOVE fall but….I think I read more in the summer??? I guess I’m a sucker for lazy and hazy mornings and afternoon spent reading (especially a good summer thriller)

    • erin

      RIGHT like we love that Midwest rep but also…can we pick a season please?? Totally valid, I feel like a lot of people also have more time to just chill in the summers too, which makes for a lot of reading!! β™₯β™₯

  • Dini @ dinipandareads

    Hah I love this list and I just knew summer was gonna come in last because yuh, that killer heat just makes for dead brain cells ya know. Sad times that I live in the tropics πŸ˜‚ The grass is always greener and all that but I’m also known for being that weirdo who loves winter because I LOVE the cold and all that comes with it, especially bundling up and piling up layer upon layer of comfort. Ah, bliss! Couldn’t agree more with your ranking! πŸ˜‰

    • erin

      Oooh yes, I’m always “I want winter for about 2 days and then I want summer again” so maybe you’re truly better off with warm weather year round! πŸ˜‚

  • April Lee

    True about the Midwestern weather, it has no chill. This is such a fun post!
    I would say my preference would be 1. fall (it’s sweaters and fuzzy socks and I can curl up with blankets and just read. plus school starts then so it a great way to relax and destress) 2. winter (once again inside and cozy. but it’s cold. really cold and snowy and ick) 3. summer (reading outside is good as long as it’s not too hot or windy… so not very often) 4. spring (rain rain rain)
    Love the creativity here!!

    • erin

      Oooh I didn’t even think about fuzzy socks!! You genuinely can’t go wrong with reading in the fall or winter (unless you spill your hot tea on your book…πŸ˜…) Also, SO true about school starting, reading is just so much more fun when you have 10 other assignments you should be working on, haha! Thank you!! β™₯β™₯

  • Tasya @ The Literary Huntress

    My country only have 2 seasons: dry (summer) and rainy so I can only judge for Summer πŸ˜€ Summers here are hot- it’s not dry, it’s hot like the sun is directly above you and it’s humid. Rainy season offers a relief, but before rains the weather turns really sticky with such a high humidity, it’s insane! I think rainy season is the coziest though, just curling up with a book, listening to the rain falls outside and smelling the fresh air is just perfect!

    • erin

      Hmm yeah I feel like reading in humidity could either be like really refreshing (if you’re in the mood to sweat, haha!) or frustrating!! YES love rainy season!! It’s annoying if you have to go outside but otherwise?? All for it!! 100% agree, that sounds like the perfect reading day!! β™₯β™₯

  • Jawahir

    There is no question about it, it’s Fall for me. These months my hometown gets cool and breezy, and the sticky humidity is FINALLY going away. I can stop smelling like fish everytime I come back from outside.

    Not a fan of winter though, I can’t stand the cold πŸ™ˆ Spring is okay but end of Summer is quite nice too, I love the daylight and long days over late nights. I’m just a sucker for the beautiful bright sun.

    • erin

      Hahaha I feel that! I hate being sticky and gross, I feel like I have to shower a million times a day! Can’t go wrong w/ a beautiful, sunny day!! β™₯

  • Lais @ The Bookish Skies

    as someone who’s currently experiencing spring, which might as well be summer already, since temperatures are so high (we love climate change!) since a large portion of the country has been burning much like the fires in australia and california, i can definitely attest that hottest weather is the absolute WORST to read. i am way too hot to function and i don’t feel like doing anything. my computer and cellphone also overheat pretty fast, so it’s impossible for me to even read ebooks and stuff. and not even reading outside helps, like you put it! the sun pretty much blinds you, hahah.

    however, idk if winter would be my favorite and most comfortable season to read either. mostly because reading physical books pretty much means that your hands are going to be outside the blanket, meaning they freeze pretty quickly, hahah. i’d definitely say late spring or fall are my favorite seasons to read! since we don’t experience extreme temperatures here, it also allows me to read outside comfortably and i love that!

    • erin

      Totally fair, I’m sorry you have to suffer through that!! πŸ™ I can only imagine how difficult it would be to read when it’s been that hot out. Never even thought about electronics overheating but you’re so right, that’s also another drawback!! Reading outside on a nice (moderate) day is such a lovely feeling, I hope you get some of those days coming your way soon!! β™₯β™₯

  • Jessica

    Okay, before I started reading this I thought for sure the number one spot for me would go to Fall (it’s my favorite season), but I actually really agree with your ranking! The winter weather gives me the best excuse to stay inside, and I love making myself some hot cocoa to go along with my reading! Loved this post πŸ™‚

    • erin

      Right like it’s snowing outside as I write this and I’ve got my coffee and my laptop – so cozy!! There’s nothing like reading in the winter, truly. Thanks love!! β™₯β™₯

  • May @ Forever and Everly

    i 100% agree with this ranking!! (it even fits how i’d rank it in general and not just in terms of reading coziness haha.) my state got a cold front today, and it was so so wonderful to put on all my comfy clothing and huddle under my warm blankets to read my book πŸ₯Ί and summer definitely is super sweaty for me as well! i can last maybe 10 minutes outside, less if the texas sun’s burning down on my skin 😭 i loved this post, erin!!

    • erin

      Comfy clothes and warm blankets are SO superior!! I bet Texas gets incredibly warm and muggy, definitely not peak reading season, but I’m jealous of your nice warm weather right about now as I buckle down for Chicago winter! πŸ˜… Thank you so so much!! β™₯

  • Fleur

    Such a fun blog post! I’ve never seen anything like this before, I really enjoyed it! I totally get why summer might be last for you, but I’d still choose bugs and sunshine anytime over winter. πŸ˜‚ I really love reading outdoors and I can only do that in spring/summer/early autumn. I’ve never actually thought about a ranking, but maybe mine would look like this: spring, autumn, summer and winter. I’d choose mild weather anytime over extremities like summer or winter. πŸ˜…
    And yes for autumn aesthetics!! Love that!

    • erin

      Thank you!! β™₯β™₯ Totally valid, if bugs didn’t exist I’d probably be swayed towards summer too!! Mild weather can def be superior, especially once you’re in the thick of winter or summer and are just wanting it to be the other!!

  • Ruby Rae Reads

    Ah so sorry, I have been so very behind on blog posts so am late today. Excuse me as I catch up haha. This post is so cute omg! I,,, hmm I have a different ranking but it’s because southern hemisphere weather is so different lmao. I think I’d have summer at the same place? No maybe at three 3 because our autumns are kinda boring. And then it’d be winter at 2 and spring at 1. Though they’re neck and neck for me haha. Love ya Erin xoxox

    • erin

      Girl no worries I feel that – I haven’t blog hopped in weeks and I feel like I’m falling apart lol but life do be like that sometimes!! Spring seems to be a fave for a lot of people and I think maybe you guys will convert me because reading in the rain is truly superior, but we shall wait and see!! β™₯

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