
My Dilemma With Rereading // A Guilty Discussion Post

Hello everyone, and happy Sunday!! (: I hope you’ve had the best week – I can’t believe it’s August. I mean hey, one step closer to fall!

So today I wanted to try out something new – a discussion post! I really like reading other bloggers talk about certain topics that interest them, and I’ve come across more than a few topics that have made me think about things related to reading and books!

So, today, I’m talking about something that has always been sort of a confusing topic for me: rereading.

Sort of?? I’m gonna totally expose myself here and say that the only books I really reread are Sarah J. Maas books and Cassie Clare books because they serve as sort of palate cleansers for me. Sometimes I’m just craving a world that I’m super familiar with and characters that I love, so I read one of these books to get my head back into a reading mood.

Otherwise, no, not really.

There are SO many books that I want to reread. Half the books on my shelf are ones that I loved but don’t really remember, and really want to do a reread of. However, my problem is that I just can’t justify rereading when there are SO many other books I haven’t read yet and want to get to.

Like, I know this is a really bad mindset and that reading is supposed to be an incredibly personal hobby. If a reread makes me happy, I should do it, right? But then when I pick up a book to reread, all those unread TBR books on my shelves stare me down late into the night, and I end up giving up my reread.

What if instead of picking up an old favorite, I finally pick up that dusty book sitting on my shelves that I’ve been meaning to get to and discover a new favorite? What if I reread a book that I originally loved only to find it lackluster the second time around?

(I also watched this really cool Youtube mini-documentary about reading that framed it in a way that kind of makes me dread my existence and it’s ultimate demise and also make me question if rereading books is truly worth it. If you have time, I highly recommend checking this out!!)

Bookstores: How to Read More in the Golden Age of Content

Okay, now I’m kinda spiraling, but bear with me.

If I don’t reread, and I don’t really see that changing 100% in the near future, then is collecting books to sit on my shelves for the rest of time untouched worth it? I’ve come to the point where I consider book collecting a legitimate hobby (an expensive one, ugh), so is it so bad if I keep books that I enjoyed but don’t know if I’ll ever reread?

For now, I’m going to say no, because I cherish my books even if I don’t absolutely love one, and can’t imagine parting with many. But, I can see myself one day coming to a reckoning point where I have WAY too many books and must decide – build a rickety, unreliable book shed in the backyard to house my overflowing collection of sub-par books, or finally undertake the ~dreaded~ unhaul.

No matter what, there are some books that I do want to reread before I die (or, ya know, within the next year!). I’m sorry for repeating myself over and over – I’ve definitely mentioned a few of these before, but here a few:

The Darkest Powers Trilogy: My childhood (teenhood?) favorite books. There is a very real, very sad chance that they will not stand up to the test of time, but I’m willing to give them a try, for nostalgias sake!

The Hating Game: The OG, enemies-to-lovers, animated cover romance book that made me fall in love with the genre and collect WAY too many floppy paperbacks.

The Raven Cycle: I remember loving these and the whimsical, magical plot, but don’t remember much about it other than…a big tree? Need to reread ASAP.

The Lunar Chronicles: Another series that got me started on rereading and simultaneously made me fall in love with 8 main characters at once, this one definitely demands (and deserves!) a reread.

Well, that’s really all my thoughts on this subject for now. I’d love to hear what you guys think, and if anyone has any advice to help quiet my guilt on rereading!

Do you reread? What are your thoughts on taking time to reread an old favorite? What’s your go-to reread?

Thanks guys!


  • April Lee

    I struggle to reread books sometimes. Like you said, I feel like all the books in my tbr are glaring at me while slowly plotting my untimely death. That being said, if I ever hit a reading slump I like to go back and reread a book I know I will love ❤️

    • erin

      Right!! Like I feel a personal responsibility to make sure that all my TBR books are well cared for and loved too! Nothing will beat rereading an old favorite, though! 🥰

  • Leyanis

    Oh I love this discussion so much! I’m the type of person who re-reads a lot (and when I mean a lot I mean that sometimes I know books and series by heart ❤️). But I can see how many people don’t enjoy re-reading especially because like you mentioned, there are many books we are still pending to read, especially if we own books we haven’t read. Recently I donated most of my shelf (most of the books were the ones I haven’t read, didn’t like the first time or didn’t see myself reading again) so I understand your feelings when you talk about the unread books judging you when you decide to re-read 😂

    • erin

      Ugh I need to be like you and go through and finally donate all the ones that I realistically won’t ever touch again, but I’m so weak! 😂 Happy that you can find joy in rereads, I hope to get there one day too!! ❤️

  • Joss @theonewhoreadit

    I completely get where you’re coming from. I feel the same way most of the times, it’s hard to reread books when there are soo many others on your TBR. That’s why I don’t reread a lot of my favorite books, I just do it when I am in a reading slump mostly. I personally think there is nothing wrong with keeping books that you liked and don’t know if you’re going to reread. Sometimes just seeing my favorite books on my shelves lightens my day so I just don’t see myself getting rid of books I’ve enjoyed. Now, of course it shouldn’t get to the point where you put some books you liked in your backyard 😂 This was such an interesting discussion. Your posts can’t stop to amaze me and the graphics are always beautiful! All the best.

    • erin

      That’s so true, I do get a spark of joy from seeing the books on my shelves and remembering the fun times I had while reading! (: That’s a good logic for keeping them. Thank you love!!! ❤️❤️

  • Stephen

    I hardly ever reread books either, just the select few. The main reason is having a very long TBR and wanting to experience new stories. Great discussion!

  • Ali

    Ahhhh I knew the video you were talking about before I even clicked on it! 😄 It made me so stressed out when I first watched it, I get how it had an impact on your decision to read new books over rereading. I tend to only reread books as palate cleansers, so I usuallyyyy only buy new books if they are 5 stars or from an author I LOVE. (That doesn’t stop the used books from cluttering my room though!) The one book I go back to is Foolish Hearts by Emma Mills. It’s my ultimate cozy read. I’ve been wanting to reread the Lunar Chronicles and Mortal Instruments series though, so maybe eventually I get to that.

    • erin

      It was SUCH an interesting video but also totally made my question my own mortality??? We love to hate it!!! I really really would love to reread Foolish Hearts, I remember loving it!! Let me know if you end up doing a reread of the Lunar Chroincles, maybe I’ll join you and we can push each other into actually doing it!!

  • theorangutanlibrarian

    Palate cleansers are often the best books to reread imo! But I do hear you about having so many books to reread as well. And I also have the same dilemma of feeling guilty if I do reread, because I also want to read *all* the new books. And I’m also afraid some books will lose what made them special the second time around. And it makes sense to hold onto books you cherish, even if you don’t reread them- I do the same thing. It’s just good to hold onto things that make you happy. And I also loved the hating game!

    • erin

      I know, I want to reread so many!! Hopefully one day I’ll finally put aside the guilt and do it (: So glad you loved The Hating Game!! A true romance classic now imo 😂

  • Chana @ Paper Procrastinators

    Erin, I love this discussion!! I totally agree! There are sooo many books that I would love to reread, but since getting more involved in the book community, I feel like I don’t really have as much time since there are *so many* new books coming out. Not to mention all the old books that I missed out on when they first came out years ago 😪 I guess for me to actually reread something, I’m going to have to make a concrete TBR or plan to do so like you did. If not I’ll probably just keep on reading new books!

    • erin

      Aw thank you!! ❤️ There are SO many new books coming out, I can’t keep up! Like I just preordered four books that are all coming out on September 1st and there’s still so many more coming out that day that I’d love to one day read, but ugh time & money!! A concrete TBR sounds like a good idea for rereads though!! (:

  • Olivia @ Purely Olivia

    This is such an interesting discussion! I’m kind of in the middle, because I say that I love to reread and I do…but yet, I actually haven’t reread that much in the past year, so maybe I’m getting more drawn into new releases and backlist books than I think I am.😅However I don’t think I feel the same guilt about rereading as you and I’m sure many others do, I get really comforted by it- but at the same time, I do have so many books on my TBR that sometimes it feels unproductive to reread.

    • erin

      I wish I could be more like that! Rereading is SUCH a comfort and I should start seeing it more like that! But yes, so many books, so little time to read ugh ❤️

  • El

    I’ve never related to a post more! I feel so guilty committing to a reread (especially series omg) because I know there’s so many amazing books I could be getting to instead! Also god forbid my tastes have changed & I don’t like the book anymore! My worst nightmare where I ruin a favourite book 🙈

    I know what you mean about the collecting & I’ve never really thought of it that way – I am making a conscious effort to use libraries more so I guess that helps & I’m also not scared of an unhaul to be honest 😂

    • erin

      Hahah right?! Like some older books just need to be cherished and not reread for fear of not liking them anymore 😂
      Aw that’s awesome that you’re trying to use libraries more!! I could definitely take a page from your book! ❤️

  • May @ Forever and Everly

    oh, i love this discussion so much! i’m someone who loves to reread books and old favorites to feel comforted, and i actually have a few books that i’ve been rereading every year, but i definitely do feel guilty about not spending my time reading new books that could end up being favorites. what i’ve tried to do is just remind myself that rereading brings me happiness, and if reading is a passion then i should do what makes me happy! (also, i love the point you bring up about whether or not collecting books is pointless — i’m having a crisis now 😭)

    • erin

      That’s so true and such a good mindset to have!!! I might try a reread after I finish my current read (:

  • Yvan

    I do re-read but not all the time. Sometimes, I’ll crave to read something specific and I can only satiate it by re-reading… I do have this fear of knowing that I could lose what made me love the book I’m re-reading in the first place the more times I re-read it. But I guess, the more we grow up the better our lenses get.

    I don’t think collecting books is pointless. I envy those who are able to. Haha! I have very limited shelf space so I make sure to only buy books I’ve already read and loved. I also use our library a lot because I can’t afford to buy books all the time.

    • erin

      Totally makes sense! Ugh I feel that about the shelf space – it’s probably a good thing though that you only buy books that you’ve already read and know you liked – I should do that too! That way I don’t have a ton of clutter and actually adore and value the books on my shelf (:

  • Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books

    Oh this is such a great and very relatable post! I used to re-read my favorite books when I was younger, but ever since I started book blogging, I….. just haven’t anymore. There are way too many new stories to discover and YES, like you I am so nervous that the second time, the book just won’t be as good as the first time? :/ That being said, I also want to try and re-read a little more, because…. I have a feeling it could make me fall in love again and I want that too ahah. Such a struggle!

    • erin

      Right like book blogging has introduced me to SO many amazing books that I haven’t heard of and I just want to read everything and anything!! Such a struggle, truly. I hope you do get to reread and enjoy some old faves one day, though! ❤️

  • Jessica

    Ah this is such a great discussion post! I don’t re-read often at all, though I’ve been wanting to do it more for years. I always say I want to re-read certain books, but I’m the same way as you & I think about all of the books I HAVEN’T read yet and just want to focus on those. This year, I plan on dedicating December to solely re-reading books, but I’m not sure if that’ll actually happen 😅

    • erin

      Ooh yes I’ve been thinking about doing that too – dedicating a whole month (or even the end of the year if I’m being realistic) to rereading!! But ugh, all those new releases will be tempting, for sure 😟

  • aina

    I feel you on rereading!! I’m also not the type who reread books and the only books I’ve reread so far are Carry On and Aristotle & Dante. I try to make it a reading goal to reread my old faves and hopefully I can accomplish it this year.

    About keeping/unhauling books… It’s a dilemma for me too!! But it’s inevitable when I really need to make space for new books. Trying to sort which one I want to keep anf which one to unhaul is a hard decision to make and I’m not really ready to make it 😂

    • erin

      Oh totally, it’s such a struggle, like I’m attached to them all but I need more space!! Def agree w/ making rereading a goal, I think that’s a great way to push yourself to do it more and hopefully enjoy everything you reread! ♥

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