Fun Stuff!

Most Intimidating Books on My TBR

If you see me using a bright color in the cover image to juxtapose the dark fear I feel when thinking about my intimidating books…no you don’t.

I have a, let’s say, complicated relationship with intimidating books. They can either make or break my reading moods, sending me racing forward in an addicted rush to consume every piece of literature in a ten-foot radius, or effectively halting all reading motivation for the foreseeable future.

That’s why, when considering picking up an intimidating book, I give it a lot of thought. Which is sad, because there are SO many amazing books on my TBR, and I don’t want to keep putting them off because I’m too scared to read them.

I haven’t even been able to dig into the second Mistborn book, let alone even begin to contemplate starting this monstrosity. I’ve heard that this is high-er fantasy than Mistborn, which makes me super nervous, since even Mistborn was a stretch into adult fantasy for me. 

I also stumbled upon this at Barnes and Noble and let out an audible “holy sh*t” when I picked it up. I’ll have to invest in bookshelf reinforcements before I subject them to the weight of these bad boys.

I bought this tome in a fit of excitement after getting sucked deep, deep into the sci-fi epic that is The Expanse. Also – that cover? Gorgeous!

I read about 100 pages of this before I decided that i tmight simply be a bit too…much? I was really enjoying the story, but the in-depth science-y parts threw me off and made for a slower reading experience than I would’ve liked. I definitely want to pick this one back up at somepoint, but yes, I’m scared!

Been meaning to read this one for years, and every year that passes and I don’t read it, I get more nervous.

People love this book. Like, would die for this book. I will give myself some credit and say that I’ve branched into the historical romance genre, but I simply just don’t know if this will take me too far. 

I mean, I’ve started this one so many times that I can recite the opening line by memory. Will I ever get further than that? Stay tuned!



I’ve been “reading” this since last December. Obama, I love you, but man is your memoir dry. 

Though I really like the feel of the pages. It’s like a super hefty book but the pages are really substantial. Weird, but it’s the driving force for me to occasionally pick this up and read 10-20 pages.

Honestly, if I can finish it by the end of 2021, that’s good enough for me.

I feel like I missed the bandwagon on this one.

About a year ago, City of Brass and the subsequent books were on fire. Everyone was talking about them, so I finally picked up the first book, only to have it sit dauntingly on my shelf for the past year. 

It’s not only that these are relatively large books, but that it’s a trilogy! So, three large books.

One day, man, one day.

Patrick Rothfuss just gives me anxiety in general, so yeah, this one stresses me out big time.

I’ve heard great things, but the fact that the third book has been in the works for 10+ years is, like, horrifying for an avid reader like you and I.

I have this one on my “if you don’t read this within the year, unhaul it” shelf, so fingers crossed.

So there ya have it: the scariest books on my TBR. Despite giving me hives whenever I think about picking one up, I do actually want to get to these all at one point or another. Maybe 2021 will finally be my year? 

What are your most intimidating books? Have you read any of these, and can you convince me to overcome my fears and finally just do the damn thing?


  • Dini @ dinipandareads

    Welp, right there with you for almost all of these! They’re defo intimidating AF. I’ve read Name of the Wind but still need to read the second book tho I’ve been using the “waiting until the third book is out” excuse to keep pushing it off 😂 Also, pretty sure Way of Kings is the most mentioned book I see on these lists–it’s always on mine anyway! I find that buddy reading these chonky beasts help ease the intimidating factor (or at least it’s shared fear LOL) but also another recent discovery that helps is audiobooks! Haven’t tried it with a chunky one of Sanderson’s book size but I think I might do! Lol, hope you do enjoy them when you get around to these books! 😉

  • Haley @ Fangirl Fury

    I just started In a Promised Land on audio today. I’m only 3 out of the 29 hours in and it’s due back to the library next Friday, and even with my work commute & walks, I have a feeling I’m either going to be borrowing it as a physical copy to finish or putting it on hold again to finish the audio. I feel like it’s one of those reads like you said that you sit with for 10-20 pages each day and don’t necessairly binge-read. Good luck with your TBR!

  • Ali

    😂 Obama’s memoir IS SO DRY. The only way I got through it was by listening to the audiobook. Sorry sir, but your wife knows how to write a memoir much, MUCH better. Good luck, you got this!

  • Ruby Rae Reads

    Ahhh such a great list!!! Haven’t read any of these yet oops so I can’t push you or anything. Sorry friend you’re on your own lmao.

    No I’m kidding. I have The City of Brass glaring at me from my shelves omg!!! I also super want to read A Promised Land but firstly you made me laugh and secondly, now I’m not so sure ahaha.

    Hope you get to all of these XOXO

  • Caro @ bookcheshirecat

    I also have lots of intimidating books on my TBR, particularly the Lightbringer books by Brent Weeks, as they are HUGE and take me so long to finish. I haven’t read past the first two books despite loving them 😮 Brandon Sanderson’s adult books also seem intimidating as they are so long!

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