Wrap Up

June Wrap Up & Reflection: A Successful Month!

Wow, this month has been a wild one. It started off pretty slow – I think I only read one or two books within the first two weeks of the month. But as I got more into job hunting, I think I sought an escape from the tragedy of being unemployed and began to really read anything and everything! My boyfriend also visited for a week, so we of course had to catch up on movie nights, meaning I watched a few fun things as well (:

(My library also reopened, and I kind of have a problem with checking out too many books…)

This one is a bit longer, so settle in! Here we go (:

June is pride month, so I made it a point to consume as many queer stories as possible! As well, based on recent events regarding the BLM movement, I’ve been much more aware of the types of books I’m reading and actively trying to read more Black stories.

Here are some short thoughts on the books! Feel free to click on the linked reviews if you want my full summaries and ramblings.

I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver: I’ve been meaning to read this one for awhile, so when I saw it on the LGBTQ+ display at my library, I decided, why the hell not? This book is an own voices story is about Ben, a non-binary person who, after coming out to their parents, is thrown out of the house and moves in with their estranged sister. For anyone who has not read or been exposed to the story of a nonbinary individual, I would definitely recommend this one! Mason Deaver is a nonbinary author, so I trust their portrayal of this particular nonbinary experience and felt that I learned a lot about the struggles that nonbinary teens sometimes go through in order to fully accept themselves.

Jack of Hearts and Other Parts by L.C. Rosen: Jack of Hearts is about a high school boy who begins writing an advice column around the same time that he begins finding creepy love letters in his locker. This book was hard because it centered around a main character who was being blackmailed (this seems to be a theme in the books I’m reading this month…?). Jack is unapologetically promiscuous, and I really respected how this book left out the typical trope-y high school romance plot in favor of Jack exploring and enjoying his sexuality. Overall, a super fun book, and Jack is just a hilariously awesome character!

Kings, Queens and In-Betweens by Tanya Boteju: This was really sweet! I honestly don’t read too many sapphic stories, but I’m glad I picked this up. I really enjoyed Nima’s narrative and felt like I could totally relate to her awkwardness (she threw up in front of both of her crushes, big yikes!). The side characters were a bit one dimensional, but I did root for their happy ever afters. Reading about drag culture was also just super neat! I’d love to read more like this.

Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera: This book was awesome. Such a breath of fresh air! Juliet was badass and so unapologetically gay. Really freaking nice to read about. I also developed kind of a weird fascination with Portland after this?? And intersectional feminism?? Always learning!!

Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender: READ. THIS. BOOK! Felix is such a heartbreakingly amazing character, especially because he goes through so much in so little time. This book took me for a roller coaster, but I ended up rooting for Felix through the whole thing and wanted to fight anyone who even looked at him wrong. Also, the love quadrangle was well done, and I’m so happy with how this ended (:

The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo: The Poet X was one of those books that I kept having to go back and reread parts of. I don’t really know what this means? I did like it, though! I think it’s got some important themes about religion, race, identity, and sexuality, but I didn’t necessarily feel the hype thats followed this book around since publication. Was it neat to read all in verse? Yes. Did I read it in a day? Oh yeah. Will I remember it long term? Eh.

Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert: Talia Hibbert, welcome to my autobuy shelf. Prepare for me to waste copious amounts of time and money on any and all future stories you write. I love loved Chloe Brown, as I figured I probably would. Reading about a character who has fibromyalgia was super enlightening – I didn’t really know anything about the condition going into this. I loved how relentless Chloe is in her quest to “get a life”, and how sweet and supportive Red was throughout. Currently reading Dani Brown!

Date Me, Bryson Keller by Kevin van Whye: Kevin van Whye, meet Talia Hibbert, your new co-shelf inhabitant on the autobuy authors shelf. Bryson Keller was so. dang. cute. I had a feeling after reading the synopsis that I’d love this book, and I was not wrong (go me!). The relationship between these characters was so pure, and I’ve taken them both in as my small sweet babies who I will protect forever and ever. Covers not my fave, but you sacrifice for internal beauty when ya have to ;).

As I said earlier, my boyfriend visited a few weeks ago and we binged a few things while lying around on hot days. Other than that, I’ve been trying read as much as I can, so I haven’t watched much else! Kind of shocking for me, really.

Space Force: Steve Carell is god and I will watch anything he’s in, periodt. I’ve also had a weird obsession fascination with space ever since the SpaceX launch earlier in the month, so this was right up my alley. Steve Carell is the master of using comedy to make a character utterly ridiculous while also still managing to make us root for them. Space Force is no different! With a chaotic General, an exasperated scientist, and an angsty teenager, this one is a must-watch.

Jumanji & Jumanji: The Next Level: I have no idea why we chose these as our movies of the week, but I don’t have any regrets. These were hilarious and so well casted, we just couldn’t stop. They’re fun and light and easily binge-able. There was a liiiittle teaser at the end of Next Level that makes me believe we’ll be getting a third movie, and I’ll admit that I’m, like, way too excited.

Coffee Break Spanish: I’ve decided to take a Spanish class next semester through my local community college, and I’m getting a head start this summer! I plan to work in communications and eventually (hopefully) in the nonprofit sector, so I think knowing Spanish would be a wonderful asset, and also just really fun! I’ve been listening to this podcast in the morning while I get ready – they’re only 15 minute sessions and I’ve found are really manageable to fit in around my day!

Animal Crossing Updates: I have Tangy! I went on a hunt for Dom, Genji, Fang, Raymond or even Bill, but after 200+ tickets I settled for Tangy. I meant to bring in Rosie as my Peppy via amiibo, but I’ll let Tangy hangout for awhile and see how she fits (:

My reading goal for July is to get back into reading fantasy books! I’ve been picking up a ton of contemporary lately – maybe because I associate it with summer weather? Either way, there’s something about a good deep fantasy story that soothes the soul.

I’ll be starting with American Royals because I tragically just found out it’s due back at my library July 7th (curse whoever has it on hold after me, *fist shake*).

Well, that’s all for this monthly wrap up! I really like the format of these, so I think I’ll continue doing them each month (maybe making some tweaks as I go, of course!)

So tell me, what did you read this month? Any overlap with mine? Do you have any goals for next month that you’re just dying to reach??

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